Tridib Mukherjee

Chief Data Science & AI Officer, Games24x7

Tridib Mukherjee is leading the charge in revolutionizing the gaming industry with AI. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AWS SageMaker, he has achieved remarkable success rates in AI projects. His vision for the future of AI is equally thrilling.

The last thing data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts want to worry about is infrastructure. Thankfully , Tridib Mukherjee, the Chief Data Science & AI Officer at Games24x7, doesn't have to. “Partners like Amazon Web Services (AWS) help us focus on solving business problems and creating great user experiences without worrying about computing infrastructure,” he said.

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“Humans will be interacting with AI to fast-track their work. The large language models have been able to create fantastic systems to understand language dynamics. But the analytical capability, emotional thinking that humans have is yet to be achieved by machines. A lot of research is going on in this space. Until then, AI will continue to be a great assistant to humans.”

Tridib Mukherjee
Chief Data Science & AI Officer, Games24x7